O'Brien accuses Newman of dishonesty

Thursday 15 September 2011

O'Brien accuses Newman of dishonesty

A statement released from the Cook Electorate Office has slammed Campbell Newman for allegedly setting up a family company "in order to capitalise on disaster recovery."

The following is a copy of the statement.


Residents of the Cook Electorate will be disturbed to learn of allegations today that Mr Newman’s family set up a company in the days after the Queensland’s worst natural disaster in order to capitalise on disaster recovery.

The question for LNP Member/Candidate for Cook which he/she MUST answer today is:  

“Do they believe it’s appropriate that Campbell Newman’s family set up a company to cash in on the disaster recovery?

“Have they asked Campbell Newman to explain why his family sought to profit from Australia’s worst ever natural disaster"

Revelations in The Australian today regarding Campbell Newman’s family business interests must lead to a full disclosure of the LNP Leader’s pecuniary interests to the Queensland public.

He cannot hide from these allegations – he must disclose his pecuniary interests today, just as every other state MP, including the Premier, does.

He must tell Queenslanders what role his family has in the businesses in question today, what financial gain his family was seeking through these enterprises, and whether or not he views this as a conflict of interest.

He also told the Financial Review today that ‘nothing’s changed’ when it comes to his pecuniary interests from his time as Mayor.

Clearly that’s a dishonest statement designed to hide his wife’s business ventures. The list he released to media on Monday makes no mention of the businesses his wife and brother-in-law set up during the floods – while he was Mayor.

Now we know why Newman has been running from releasing his pecuniary interests this week.

If nothing is untoward and there are no conflicts of interest, why won’t he just release a list to the public?