Inside Port - New Friends and Old
Wednesday 14 September 2011

Inside Port - New Friends and Old

The Tuesday afternoon Lunch and Friendship group at the Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre has really taken off and is a group that I, as the manager, am really proud of.
Now in its fifth month, we are averaging between 20 and 30 people coming to the centre every Tuesday for lunch, to meet new friends and to participate in activities.
The group is proving to be quite diverse, with long term locals, newcomers and people from the caravan parks coming along on a regular basis.
The wonderful thing about the group is the community spirit exhibited by all members of the group we have a group of dedicated volunteers making the lunches, other volunteers decorating the tables and serving the lunches and everyone helping to clear up and pack away.
Tanya does a wonderful job overseeing the whole group, planning the activities and the meals in conjunction with the volunteers and ensuring that new people are welcomed and not left sitting on their own.
We also have the wonderful Giovanni from the Port Douglas markets who comes in every Monday with a box of fruit and vegetables for the group.
Anyone who is interested can get a copy of the recipe of the meal that was cooked, all are easy to make and cheap to buy, and recreate the meal at home.
At lunchtime we all go round the table and introduce ourselves, say where we are from and one interesting fact about ourselves. You learn a lot about each other this way.
After lunch there are activities. We have been lucky enough the past few weeks to have Vicki taking those members of the group who want to in gentle Tai Chi exercises.
We have had guest speakers who have spoken of their voluntary work on cattle stations when the owners are taking much needed holidays.
We recently had a young man, Nick, come in and play the didgeridoo for everyone. He also told stories and used the didgeridoo to assist him in the story telling. Everyone really enjoyed it.
We have made little toys for children in Japan affected by the Tsunami.
We play celebrity head, participate in quizzes, play games such as scrabble and cards and generally socialise and have a bit of fun. The occasional table tennis tournament causes much hilarity.
As I am writing this, the group is going over to Mossman to participate in the Mossman Health and Well being Expo. Some are going to represent the Neighbourhood Centre and inform the visitors to the expo about the lunch and friendship group and others are going to enjoy the various stalls and information.
So if you are new in town, or old in town but would like a home cooked meal and some great company, contact Tanya at the Neighbourhood Centre to find out about the group.
It is open to all and costs $5.00 for the meal and the activity.