Heat is on for triathlon
Wednesday 28 September 2011
Heat is on for triathlon

Forecast hot and sunny conditions in the middle of the day are tipped to push tri-athletes to their limit for this Saturday’s fifth annual Tri-Port Half Iron distance triathlon in Port Douglas.
Hosted by the Cairns Crocs Triathlon Club, the former Hahn Super Dry Long Course has had many a victim post a Did Not Finish on the rankings due to the oppressive dry season conditions, with the 11am start to the 1.9km swim, a 90km bike ride and 21.1km run a tough challenge.
The race has previously attracted the likes of two-time ironman champion Tim Berkel, Adelaide pro Matty White, 2011 Byron Bay Triathlon winner Joey Lampe, and 2010 Port Macquarie half ironman winner Mitch Robins, to name a few.
This Saturday’s event at the Port Douglas Surf Club will also see an Olympic distance event (1.5km swim, 40km ride, 10km run) and enticer/super sprint (300m swim, 10km ride, 2km run) start at 12.30pm, with the races to finish with a run up Four Mile Beach towards crowds of cheering spectators.
Kids aged 10 plus are also invited to compete in the aquathon at 1pm, which is ideal for beginners, with competitors invited to register on the day.
Saturday will also be valued for many competitors as a lead-in to the Great Barrier Reef Marathon Festival, also to be held in Port Douglas, on November 11 and 12.