Cost concerns cause precinct delays

Thursday 15 September 2011

Cost concerns cause precinct delays

Cairns Regional Council says it has responded to community concern over the affordability of the proposed Cairns Entertainment Precinct by looking to build in stages.

Mayor Val Schier said Council was now looking at a range of options for the project to allow more flexibility in delivering the precinct master plan over a number of years.

Among the options being considered is an initial stage, at a cost of $153 million, that would provide a state-of-the-art replacement for the ageing Civic Theatre.

The initial cost of the project was estimated at $240 million.
“This option will give us the 1000-seat theatre that the community has been wanting for two decades,” Mayor Val Schier said.

“Stage one would also include substantial public open space, car parking and the restoration of White’s Shed.

“We know that people see a need to build a new theatre – that is the top priority.

“But we want to ensure that we can add a museum, retail outlets and a second theatre at some stage in the future in line with the master plan.

“There needs to be flexibility to grow with the community and ensure our city’s entertainment precinct can cater for the needs of our future population.”

Council will be putting the $40 allocation from the Federal Government towards stage one and will be asking the State Government to share the remainder of the costs.

“This project has the potential to be a shining example of partnership between three levels of government to provide the community with an asset it can be proud of,” Cr Schier said.

“We have taken on board the community’s concerns about the project’s costs and responded accordingly.

“Now we hope we can move ahead with a positive outlook.”

With $40 million already committed by the Federal Government, Mayor Schier said the State Government Cabinet Budget Review Committee was expected to consider the staging options later this month.

However, could this be the opportunity for developer, David Marriner, to step in and make a well-timed bid for the proposed entertainment precinct for his Sheraton Mirage Port Douglas redevelopment?

Marriner unveiled plans to incorporate an entertainment precinct for the ageing tourist icon in July this year, along with intentions to seek State and Federal Government funding towards upgrading the town’s infrastructure to support it.


Member for Leichhardt, Warren Entsch, and Shadow Treasurer, Joe Hockey, accompanied Marriner in his announcement in front of 200 people at the hotel, which outlined plans for a 1400-seat arts and exposition forum for the current Sunbird Shopping Centre, Glade Pavilion and adjoining carparks.