Concert to attract huge crowd

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Concert to attract huge crowd

Tickets for the eagerly anticipated Bodies In Motion annual concert have gone on sale, with over 1200 people expected to attend the event on Friday 9 and Saturday 10 December.

In its eleventh year, 150 cast and crew are working hard to put on the greatest show to date.

"We are very lucky to be able to perform to such a great community. We have many audience members who look forward to our annual show each year," said Bodies In Motion's Prue Borzi.

"People from all over the region, and some interstate travellers too, come and see the show over the two nights."

This year's concert, dubbed 'Fusion' is all about bringing many different elements together create one fantastic show. Original choreography, music, lights, costumes and a buzzing atmosphere all fuse together to create what is sure to be a wonderful night of entertainment.

"Fusion includes tap, jazz, ballet, hip hop, singing and musical theatre from performers from as young as three to 60 plus," Ms Borzi said.

"Our students are working hard learning the routines and refining their performance skills to bring the audience an amazing show."

For some students the concert is a chance to refine their skills, with many looking to forge a career in dance.  

"We have had four students continue into professional dance careers and tertiary training, and one student accepted into the Australian Ballet School Interstate program," Ms Borzi said.

Former students are now dancing at RAW Dance Company, Queensland Dance School of Excellence, Queensland University of Technology and one dancer is currently dancing in Hong Kong.

For more information on the concert contact Jody at Bodies In Motion on 4098 3921.