Call for SES volunteers before wet hits
Tuesday 6 September 2011

Call for SES volunteers before wet hits

A call has been sent out for volunteers to join the local State Emergency Service (SES) in the approach to the wet season.
Mossman SES controller, Bob Taylor, said only 16 SES members were currently registered to cover an extensive region area of the Douglas region and needed an injection of additional volunteers was required to bolster numbers.
“If we were to get hit with a large emergency situation, our 16 members would be burned out within two days, so we really could do with a heap of new volunteers,” Mr Taylor told The Newsport.
“During cyclone Yasi, we started sandbagging on the Tuesday before the cyclone hit and then we had in excess of 100 jobs to attend to after the event.
“And we only got assistance on the Sunday after the cyclone arrived.
“So we really need to start a recruitment drive now in preparation for the storm season.”
Mr Taylor said the current SES team saw four volunteers come from Port Douglas, five from Mossman, two members each from Wonga, Newell and Cooya beaches, and one volunteer from Oak Beach to cover emergency situations as far away as Cape Kimberley.
He said the SES assisted with land searches, flood boat operations, roofing and storm damage operations, chainsaw work, traffic control and other types of emergency assistance, including missing people searches.
Mr Taylor said free training courses were soon to be conducted, including a two-day community member training course due to be held in October.
“Volunteering with the SES can be a very rewarding experience,” Mr Taylor said.
“Training courses are free and we assist with vehicles to take members to training courses and provide accommodation if there is an overnight stay involved, at no expense to the volunteer.”
As well as residents being urged to join, Mr Taylor said people currently in the region on working visas were also encouraged to sign up.
“We’ve had a lady from Canada in the past, as well as people from Japan,” Mr Taylor said.
Weekly training sessions occur Monday nights between 7pm and 9pm behind the Cairns Regional Council’s Mossman chambers, where new members were invited to attend.
Bob can be contacted on 0407 162 401 for more information.
Footnote: Last week, Premier Anna Bligh announced additional funding for new boats and training for Cairns and Babinda SES crews as a result of the State Government’s $76 million flood inquiry.
Member for Cook, Jason O’Brien, confirmed that no extra equipment was designated for Mossman SES as a result of the enquiry, as it already possessed adequate equipment.