Ask Jason

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Ask Jason

     Dear Jason

RE PORT DOUGLAS CYCLONE SHELTER and DAVID MARRINER -  If David Marriner wants to improve the Sheraton in Port and seek public money to do so, wouldn't it be a good idea for one of the centres that he builds be a CYCLONE SHELTER for the area?

Surely he could put a case to the State Government for funds on that basis? More people may then support his call for public funds.     

From: Sue McKenney, Port Douglas. 

Response from State Member for Cook, Jason O'Brien. 

Dear Sue

Thanks very much for the question. The difficulty with your proposal is the isse of ownership. If the cyclone shelter is owned privately we cannot control what happpens to it in the long term. 

A new owner may not want it used as a cyclone shelter, whilst one built on State land can be controlled by government authorities.

The new cyclone shelter in Port Douglas will cost over $6 million and will be built outside the (flood) inundation area (which I don't think any where on the Mirage site would be).  It will also be made available to the community for sporting and cultural use.


Ask Your Pollie

Our elected representatives; Julia Leu (Division 10 councilor), Val Schier (Mayor Cairns Regional Council), Jason O'Brien (State Member for Cook), and Warren Entsch (Federal Member for Leichhardt), are happy to field your questions on the issues you feel passionate about.

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