Upsets and thrillers in touch footy

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Upsets and thrillers in touch footy

Round 5 of the NuBlu Pool and Spa touch footy competition was played last night with possibly the closest of all the rounds to date.

There were some upsets and a few teams showed that they have their eyes on the prize as competition heated up.

The first of the games saw Jimbos take on the guys from Mojos. Half time saw a 4-1 lead to Jimbos with the old stager Fitzy scoring the try for Mojos.

It looked like Jimbos were heading for big score but Mojos fought back and only ended up losing 8-6 with James Doolah and Dan Flanagan (2) getting across the line.

A top of the table clash between Raiders and Teachers brought about a very entertaining game with end to end attacking plays. Only one point separated the teamsat the half.

But the Teachers took the lead by setting up their ladies in Gay Hoffman and Katie Guthrie to cross the line and run out winners 7-4. For the Raiders Heather Calcraft was not to be out done and got over the line for the second week in a row. Tom Seynard and Todd "Phantom Toucher" Funch also scored.

Quicksilver's run of wins was put to an end this week by the Oldies. The Oldies showed there was still a lot of run in their legs by running in 6 tries to 1.

This week another Ferrero scored and the much prettier Mel also crossed the line for two points. Adam Calcraft was in the right place by scoring a hat trick of tries.

The main game of the night was DCs versus Jr Sharks, with DCs expecting to get over the 50 tries against 'milestone' for the season.

But it seemed that the players for the Sharks have gone missing and DCs were there to strike. With a few strike players out for DCs ('Fat as' and 'Serial Pest') due to child-minding duties and injury, it was up to a few new guys to step up.

At half time they were within striking distance with a 4-4 scoreline, but they seemed to not know how to put a team to the sword managing to finish with a draw.

In doing so I have to retract my words and say that the goose egg is gone for the DCs, but will have the match referral committee look at the tape and see if Mat "I've been robbed" Churchill scored his try for there was concern that the ball was grounded before the line then lost control over.

The final scoreline was 7 a piece with Adam and young Glenn getting over for the Sharks and Simon Cody, Mark Flinn, and Marty 'Look at my new haircut' getting over the line for DCs.

Next weeks games - Monday 17 Ocotber


DCs vs Jimbos - ref Oldies/Sharks
Teachers vs Quicksilver - ref Mojo/Raiders

Oldies vs Sharks - ref DCs/Jimbos
Mojos vs Raiders - ref Teachers/Quicksilver

Please note that a few teams are not putting up a ref so as next week points will be taken away. 

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