Trash talking gains momentum

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Trash talking gains momentum

The battle for cleaner beaches has been stepped up with one concerned resident creating a new Facebook page promoting a rubbish-free coastline.

Greg Slade's 'Talking Trash' page encourages locals to take photos of the rubbish they are collecting and post them to the wall to highlight their efforts.

"(It) drives me mad to think people still litter in such a beautiful place, so I started this campaign to fight the cause and create some new awareness," he said.

And already his pleas for assistance to help tackle the problem has been heard by dozens of people who have jumped on board.

"Many animals have their health affected or even die because of ingesting or entanglement of plastic and other rubbish," Mr Slade said on the page.

"It makes beautiful places looks ugly, most items won’t break down for thousands of years and it pollutes the soil and waterways.

"Not only are animals and the environment affected, we too are threatened because of this process. As is the soil we live on and grow food in, and the creeks, rivers and dams that eventually catch this water and supplies us with the necessary H20 we need to survive.

"I’m over it, and want to do something to help."

So next time you're taking a walk along the beach or down your street, pick up some trash, take a picture and post it on the Talking Trash Facebook page.  

Look for a familiar face on The Newsport Social page.