Town shines at Mag Awards

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Town shines at Mag Awards

Around 120 of the region's finest tourism and hospitality operators walked the red carpet on Friday night for the 2011 Port Douglas Magazine Awards.

It was an opportunity for those who work in the industry to receive accolades hard earned throughout the year, celebrate their achievements, and to recognise the contributions of a select group who entered the Port Douglas Magazine's Hall of Fame.

The Awards, whose winners were decided by the counting of over 5100 consumer votes from 26 countries, were the culmination of 11 months work by the Port Douglas Magazine team.

"I was delighted that these awards have been embraced by people in the industry. It really means something to them to be recognised by their customers, and although some were disappointed not to win their category, it shows that these awards are held in high esteem," said the magazine's editor, Roy Weavers.

"Having said that, any business that received a vote in the awards should be proud because their customer has made the effort to get online, or even post their vote from the other side of the world."


But the awards didn't go all to plan. The Chamber of Commerce's Young Achiever Award winner Annetta Tantanis did not get the opportunity to get on stage to accept her well deserved award.

"This can happen when you run an event. Not everything goes to plan but I know it meant a lot to Annetta when we presented the award later that evening," Mr Weavers said

Despite the hiccup, Mr Weavers said that the awards had come a long way in just its second year.

"The support of the Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce allowed us to progress the awards considerably from last year and host more people.

"We were invited to apply for funding by the Council but that unexpectedly fell through. The Chamber really helped us put on a successful gala event.

"On the basis that we had three-and-a-half times as many votes as in 2010, we're looking forward to next year becoming even better. Our ambition is to make this the premier event in the business calendar in Port Douglas.

The 2012 Port Douglas Magazine Awards will feature a newly created award named in honour of Diane Cilento, founder of 2011 Hall of Fame inductee, Karnak Playhouse.

The Diane Cilento Award will recognise outstanding contributions of individuals and organisations involved in arts and culture in the region.

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