Council caught in the act

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Council Wally's caught in the act

After an expensive, but limited local advertising campaign asking residents to be water wise, one resident has caught Cairns Regional Council doing exactly the opposite.

In an email written last night to Cairns Water's Bruce Gardiner, Roisin Allen highlighted Council's unwise practices at Anzac Park and Mossman Showgrounds.

"I am writing to you in regard to the full page advertisement in the Port Douglas & Mossman Gazette (29.09.11) that highlighted the need for all residents of the former Douglas Shire to do even more "Re: Water Reduction.  Off to a good start but more to do". 

"I note that yet another full page advertisement was placed in the Gazette on the 6.10.11 reminding us once again to conserve our water.

"Whilst I am fully in support of water conservation measures I would like to draw your attention to the attached photographs (see left) that were taken on Thursday 29.09.11, Anzac Park, at 11.50 a.m and on Monday 10.10.11 at the Mossman Show Grounds at 12.45 p.m.

"Could I please ask that you inform your staff that Cairns Regional Council has embarked on this expensive Public Relations exercise and that it would be helpful to the residents of the former Douglas Shire if they (CRC staff) were to abide by your own rules. 

"I was of the understanding that sprinklers were permitted between the hours of 5.00 a.m. - 9.00 a.m and 5.00 p.m - 9.00 p.m. I'm not sure how you apply the odd and even numbers rule to public parks or show grounds, but regardless, it would make sense if these areas were watered either early in the day or late in the afternoon. 

"This is not the first time I have witnessed Cairns Regional Council land being watered in the middle of the day... it is a regular occurrence in Cairns City where sprinklers are used to water the centre strips and where most of the water ends up on the road. 

"Perhaps some of the money that is being spent on the CRC's so called water conservation campaign could be more productively spent on returning "our water" to it's previous chemical free and world famous status."

Within minutes of sending the email, Ms Allen had her response from Mr Gardiner:

"Thank you very much for your email. We are very aware of Council playing our part in the wiser use of water and I will raise the use of sprinklers with the relevant staff. It is not acceptable for Council to do what we are asking the community not to.

"The odds and evens watering days does apply to parks and gardens as does the watering time restrictions to the cooler parts of the day. I will investigate and correct the situation.

"With regard to the show grounds, we are anticipating that recycled water will be supplying this area by mid next year which will be a good beneficial use of the treated wastewater and reduce the reliance on potable grade water for irrigation." 

Read more of today's news. Check out The Newsport home page.

Editor's Comments: It's disappointing to see Council not leading by example on this issue. I guess it's not surprising to see many resorts watering their gardens daily, and during the day when there is little incentive to stop. Perhaps, instead of spending bucket loads of money on advertising and an office in Macrossan Street, some employees on the ground enforcing the laws may have a greater effect.