Champion netball teams compete

Monday 17 October 2011

Champion netball teams compete

Last weekend the annual netball champion of champions was held in Atherton. The top teams from six clubs covering Douglas to Tully fought it out for the title of best club team in Far North Queensland.

Due to their win in the Douglas competition, the Central Cougars earned the right to represent the Douglas region this year.

Although only four members of the actual winning team were able to participate the replacements were just as good and did an excellent job in their respective positions.

The team consisted of Kerryn Bohm (GS), Bec Nelson (GA), Rochelle Miller (WA), Kahlee Tesch (WA), Dani Bellero (C), Kirsty McKay (WD), Nichelle Pitt (GD), and Gemma Gwilliams (GK).
Due to the fact that most of the team had not played together before the day didn’t get off to the best start, going down to the eventual second placed Tablelands team.

However, the team only improved from there when they found their rhythm and learnt to work with the new players. The day saw some tough competition but also some excellent game play.

The Douglas side unfortunately wasn’t strong enough to take out the top team, Cairns Tigers, however gave the team a run for their money in the second half of the game.

The Innisfail side was a similar story however Douglas only went down by three goals partly due to their major loss in the defensive side after an injury caused Nichelle Pitt to leave the court.
The Douglas team showed courage against the Tully, Atherton and Mareeba and the hard work paid off with wins of between 5 – 15 goals each time.

The final positions found Douglas ranked fourth out of seven teams showing they had the potential to improve that ranking in the coming years.

It was a great way to finish of the season for the eight players involved and Douglas Netball Association would like to thank the players for their time in representing the club. 

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