Young Raiders proving to be tight outfit

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Young raiders proving a tight outfight

The Under 10s travelled to Jones Park to take on the Wanderer’s in an early game on Friday night. The boys were lucky to have David Sands referee again, but they were up against a tough Wanderers outfit. 

Wanderers scored the first try and were celebrating, but their celebrations were short lived when our boys got their act together and were on fire. 

Billy Kadwell answered the Wanderers try with two quick tries of his own, then Scotty Bowen was over, followed by Derrick, Tom and Caleb in the second half. 

Zeclyn converted Caleb’s try and Derrick converted Billy’s and Scotty’s try.  These young Raiders are a tight outfit and play really well together. 

The final score was 36 to Raiders, 19 to Wanderers.

The Under 12 Raiders ran into a raging Bulls outfit on Friday evening and eventually suffered their first loss of competition so far.

The Bulls came out firing and threw everything they had at the Raiders in the first ten minutes of the game and put a quick two tries on the board.

Captain and halfback, Dean McCarthy, only lasted a few minutes after picking up a hamstring injury which saw a shuffle of positions, and it took a little bit of time for the Raiders to adjust.

A well drilled Bulls outfit totally dominated the scrums and the rucks, but the gritty Raiders were showing their usual determination and at half time were still in the game with the score being 15-0 to the Bulls.

After a well earned break the Raiders came out for the second half ready to scrap it out and the Bulls knew they were in for hard finish.

Tully Cartwright threw a magic cut out ball and ended up picking the ball off the following ruck to barge over for the Raiders first and only try making the score 15–5.

The Bulls were tiring fast and the Raiders were coming at them and when Ayesha Seaton crunched the Bulls best player in a big tackle, the Bulls heads dropped and it looked like the Raiders' fitness might get them home.

However, a try to the Bulls late in the game saw them seal the win and walked away with a 20–5 score line.

Matty Chesterfield again was outstanding and Aaron, Luke and Ayesha played strongly. Angus Dickson was back at fullback and was responsible for shutting down the Bulls' attack every time they broke the line keeping them to only four tries.

Well done guys, every player should be proud of their effort.    

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