Rex Range Road reconstruction starts

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Rex Range Road reconstruction starts

A $1.5 million project to repair a section of road embankment near the base of the Rex Range has started.

Member for Cook Jason O’Brien said the damaged embankment was about 4.4 kilometres from the base of the Rex Range on the Mossman-Mt Molloy Road.

"Repairs are expected to be completed by the end of the year, weather permitting," Mr O’Brien said.

Road crews will repair and strengthen the slope by using a range of materials such as rock dowels, anchored rock fall netting, concrete retaining walls and reinforced soil structures.

Road pavement will be extended to provide a wider road surface. Drainage works will also be undertaken to improve resilience during future wet seasons.

The site is currently open to two lanes but would be reduced to one lane once works started.

"I urge motorists to continue to show patience, exercise caution and allow extra travel time while these important repairs are delivered," Mr O'Brien said.

"I'm glad to see a local company Probin Drilling and Construction Pty Ltd will be delivering these works.

"The project site falls within the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, so the department is working closely with them to ensure the repair works are carried out in an environmentally friendly way." 

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