Mossman Golf results

Monday 21 November 2011

Mossman Golf results

Rob Cooke started the week off with a win on Tuesday scoring +6 in the par event. Cameron Walton finished second with +4 and Matt Gray was third with +2. Nearest the pins were Maurice Meth on 6, Matty Smith on 8, Brian Fields on 10, Brett Jurie on 13 and Simon Nelson on 17.

On Wednesday Peter Santarossa won the nine hole sporters competition with 25 points ahead of Rus Watkins and Brett Jurie on 22 points. Nearest the pin went to Dot Jurie on 10, Rick Weimar on 13 and Maurice Meth on 17.

Patti Graham was the best of the Thursday ladies winning the Stableford competition with 37 points ahead of Lucy Giles on 36. Lucy also won nearest the pin on 6 and Helen Gabour won 13.

John Norris jumped back into the winners circle on Saturday with 39 points to win the men’s competition ahead of Adam Ferguson on 38 points. Keith Gard was third also with 38 points. Nearest the pins were Dennis Blake on 8, Adam Ferguson on 10, Ian Prewett on 13 and Bill Allison on 17.

In the ladies Saturday competition it was Kim Edwards out in front with 38 points after a count back to Leonnie Phillips. Kim also won nearest the pin on 8 and Jane Chidgey won 10.

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