Ice creams contenders

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Ice creams contenders

Race 16 of the Poseidon Sailaway Club Championship hit the waves on Saturday with Race 4 of the Spring Series.

Club Championship favourite and Spring Series contender, Port FM Mais Oui, was missing from the action and has opened the door for a close finish to the club championship.

Magic took the early lead on the three lap course in fine conditions and a reasonable 15 knot sou’easter. Ice battled to hold Magic in her sights at the same time as fending off Ruff Red from her stern.

As the three yachts beat around the course it was all down to the calculations of the handicap to determine final positions.

Ruff Red lost valuable time struggling to fly their spinnaker on the first downwind run and never quite recovered taking third across the line and third on corrected time.

Magic put on another great display to claim line honours but her effort was not quite enough to defend her higher handicap as Ice turned a 12 minute deficit into a three minute lead on corrected time to claim first prize.

The win puts Ice in second position on the Spring Series ladder on 12 points. Two points behind Magic and eight points clear of Ann Sea.

The final two races of both series are on this Saturday to determine the 2011 Spring Series and the 2011 Poseidon Sailaway Club Champion. 

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