Grants open for Reef carers

Monday 28 November 2011

Grants open for Reef carers

Traditional Owners are encouraged to apply for Sea Country Grants of $5,000 to $50,000 to support their environmental initiatives that will improve the resilience of the Great Barrier Reef.

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) Chairman Russell Reichelt said a total of $500,000 in grants were available through the GBRMPA's Sea Country Grants Program.

"The grants will enhance many existing sea country management programs being run by Traditional Owners as well as assist in supporting new initiatives," Mr Reichelt said.

"The grants program will support direct Traditional Owner involvement in natural resource management activities, bringing environmental, health and social benefits for the broader Indigenous community."

Under the program grants could be awarded to develop sea country plans, enhance management and technical skills and undertake research of traditional knowledge.

"Funding could also be utilised to map sea country or establish and maintain decision-making processes that are critical to the development and implementation of sea country management arrangements," Mr Reichelt said.

"The program will assist in building partnerships between Traditional Owners, Indigenous communities, reef stakeholders and management agencies to protect the Great Barrier Reef."

Traditional Owner groups from the Great Barrier Reef region will have until 17 February 2012 to apply for the grants.

Individuals or communities interested in applying for the Sea Country Grants Program should go to  

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