Crocs' President Report

Friday 25 November 2011

Crocs' President Report

We held our first committee meeting last night (Wednesday) with much enthusiasm around the table. Brad Cooper, a former Crocs coach and great crocs player, has been appointed Senior Coach for 2012.

Darren Wall has retained the Reserves coaching role and will be assisted by Lynton Heffer and Matty Scott.

Jim Buckley is doing a great job with the junior brigade and several new under 16s players have attended over the past few nights.

The first official training night will be on 9 December at 5pm and then Xmas drinks and nibbles will be had at the Courthouse Hotel upstairs at 6.45pm.

We would love to see you all there to meet some of our young guns, sponsors and the new coaching staff.

Let's all make the effort to attend and kick start the season. Please advise all footy fanatic friends as they are all welcome.
Go the Crocs
Andy Smith

The President's report can also be viewed on the Crocs website. 

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