Community garden springs into life

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Community garden springs into life

Mowbray Street will come alive after Council granted a lease allowing a block of land opposite the Neighbourhood Centre to be used for a community garden.

Residents have been trying to bring the concept of a community garden in Port Douglas to life for some years, and with Council support, it is now becoming a reality.

"It has been a long time coming. My friend Pedro (Ferrero) and I saw a need for somewhere where people could go and do some gardening because a lot (of people) live in flats and units," said Port  Douglas Neighbourhood Centre's Community Development Officer, Tanya Morris.

Ms Morris said that other long time advocates of a community garden have done a lot of ground work in years gone by, including the late Bart Jeffries, and the energetic James Watson.

"It was a vision that Bart really wanted to do, and that's grow food for the community," Ms Morris said.

The garden is as much about educating the community on conservation and social interaction as it will be about growing fresh produce.

"Social inclusion is a big thing for me so we can all be together and share the environment and learn.

"It will teach families how to grow it (produce) and be together and do something positive.

"We want to have a place where everybody feels they can be a part of it."

Plots will be allocated for a small fee to those who become involved in the community garden.

A public meeting is being held the Port Douglas Community Hall on Wednesday 30 November at 5.30pm where ideas will be shared and a reference group will be formed to ensure community ownership of the project.

All members of the public "man, woman, and child" are encouraged to attend so that skill sets can be identified and sub-groups formed to ensure the smooth running of the community garden.

Volunteer project manager, Kevin 'K-Star' Eldridge said that a "backyard blitz" transformation of the land is being planned for March or April 2012.

It is envisaged the garden will grow fruit, vegetables, and flowers, have a BBQ area, and a shed where skills can be shared.

If you'd like more information on the Port Douglas Community Garden, please contact Kevin at, or Tanya at 

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