Beware, take care

Friday 11 November 2011

Beware, take care

A local resident has urged people to take care near the edge of the Daintree River after witnessing a crocodile swimming near a busy pontoon.

Ruth Ross snapped this photo (click to enlarge) of a crocodile near the water's edge and is concerned for the safety of river users.

"We launch and retrieve at the new pontoon on the Daintree River. Coming in from fishing about three weeks ago this croc was resting right up against the pontoon and swam away when only when we had come alongside and my husband stepped out.

"As a matter of fact we didn't know he was there until he moved away from laying up against the pontoon.
"My husband kept an eye out while I hooked the boat up on the trailer. You have always got to have your eyes open and be well aware they (crocodiles) are around. 

"Fishos still have to go down to the water's edge to hook the boat up."

Ms Ross said that the crocodile her and her husband spotted could have been the same as the one that attacked a pet dog last week.

"The tourists didn't have to go far to see a croc that day. Looks much the same size as the one that took the dog," she said. 

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