Pearl to cause marina log jam

Thursday 5 May 2011

Pearl to cause marina logjam


Meridien Marina have advised a late change in the cruise ship schedule for Pacific Pearl which will now be arriving Sunday 22 May.

This coincides with the popular Seafood Extravaganza and those businesses that usually sell tours on the boardwalk have been asked not to on this day due to the volume of people that will be pass through the marina. 

"The entire boardwalk has been licensed to Carnivale and those with stalls on the day will be setting up from early morning in preparation for an 11am start," said Meridien Marina general manager Jason Roles.

"I have been in contact with the Marine Agent for the ship to see if it is possible to swap Yorkey's and Port dates.  Pacific Pearl is entering directly from NZ and as Port Douglas is not a registered port of entry the change of dates is unable to happen."