Crocs go top of table

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Crocs go to of table

It was the clash of the Titans. 2010 Premiers Cairns Saints versus 2010 Runners-up Port Douglas Crocs.  The venue - Griffiths Park.  Bragging rights for season 2011 on the line.

In the opening ten minutes both teams played very scrappy football as they tested each others' defences, but soon the new improved Crocs game plan kicked into gear.

The boys started to play the lightning fast brand of football which has been their style this season and it immediately paid dividends.  Snappy mid-field work resulted in very efficient finishing in attack.  Accurate kicking  for goal led to Port Douglas having an eight goal to one first quarter.  Stand out players included Brad Cooper and Relton Roberts.

The game changed in the second quarter. Saints kicked with an ever-strengthening wind and were right back in it at half time with only four goals separating the teams. Coach Andy Viola gave the boys a spray at half time.

Port Douglas had most of the play in the third quarter but found scoring difficult. Daniel Smith and Scott Roberts were in the thick of it. "Doggy" Bloom came into his own.  Sammy Boxall was giving it his all up forward.

What a brilliant last quarter by both teams. Saints made up the three goal deficit.  Neither team would give in. Saints moved to 8 points up with ten minutes to play. The fat lady was singing lustily. It seemed all over. But no, like a champion prize fighter getting up off the canvas the Crocs clawed their way back. A goal, then right on siren time, another!!!

The 4 point win was a superb effort by every player with a wonderful contribution by Scott Roberts and Relton Roberts in the last quarter. Their terrific play epitomized the Crocs refusal to lie down.

Congratulations to every Croc player.  A great team effort!

Next week a Bye.  Next game versus South Cairns at Fretwell Park on 28th May.

There was a most unusual occurence in the Reserves game on Saturday.  Port Douglas Crocs were pinged for mucking up their interchanges and had 19 players afield. 

Result: Port Douglas score dropped by 50 points. The final outcome of the game was a draw.  A great effort.  Watch those numbers on the bench next time boys.  Still undefeated though!  Well done.

Seniors: Saints 17-10-112 were defeated by Port Douglas Crocs 18-8-116.
Goals: Justin White 4.  Sammy Boxall 3.  Brad Cooper 3.  Relton Roberts 2.  Daniel Smith 2.
Best: Daniel Smith, Scott Roberts, Relton Roberts, Evan Hocking, Sammy Boxall
Reserves: Saints 3-11-29 drew with Port Douglas 4-5-29.
Best: Kaine Freyling, Mitchell Duff, Hayden Bogicevic, Kerrod Andrews, Jason Wilkie.
Special Mention to Craig Bannister - Director of Water - equal third best on ground behind the goals - a great effort Craig.
Go Crocs!