Council feedback for Port Douglas Master Plan

Thursday 12 May 2011

Council feedback for Port Douglas Master Plan

According to a Cairns Regional Council Media Release, following a thorough public consultation period, Cairns Regional Council is now collating feedback relating to the implementation of the Port Douglas Master Plan.


Council has received more than 85 formal written submissions in response to the proposals to implement the Master Plan. In addition, 200 telephone surveys and 84 face-to-face surveys were conducted during the public consultation phase, with more than 200 people attending the Macrossan Street Shopfront, Port Douglas Markets Council stall and various information sessions. Many people also provided comments into the Shopfront Visitors Book. 


“I know our officers are working hard to collate all this feedback, which will form part of Council's decision-making process in relation to the proposals for the Master Plan,” Mayor Val Schier said.  “We had a fantastic response by the community to the proposals and we want to thank everyone who took the time to have their say and to highlight what they believe to be the proposal's strong points or issues that require further consideration.  We will take all feedback on board, so that we can deliver facilities that will be well used and beneficial to the Port Douglas community.”


Division 10 Councillor Julia Leu said she expected to see a range of feedback as a result of the submissions.  “I’ve spoken to many people about the proposals to implement the Master Plan and there are lots of positive ideas and visions out there for how they would like to see the spaces used,” Cr Leu said.  “There may also be aspects that we have not yet thought of and we welcome the constructive opinions and ideas in this recent round of consultation.” 


Outcomes from the public consultation phase will be included in all decision-making processes by Council, along with feasibility studies, cost estimates, economic benefits and other research.


A report containing a detailed summary of submissions and survey results is expected to be tabled at a Council meeting in June.