A celebrity weekend to see food and eat it!

Monday 23 May 2011

A celebrity weekend to see food and eat it!

By Roy Weavers

The pace with which the Port Douglas Carnivale has hit town is breathtaking. Straight from the blocks, The Sheraton Mirage Longest Lunch saw a record attendance of over 300 guests feast at what must surely have been a challenger for a Guinness Book of Records longest table setting.

It snaked in an oval around and in on itself throughout the gorgeous marquee venue on the lawns of the Mirage Golf club with a perfect sunny day and a gentle breeze cooling things down through the open sided marquee.

Celebrity guests Queensland Cricket legends Allan Border, Jimmy Maher and Greg Ritchie chatted with the crowd along with Aussie Rugby superstar Wendell Sailor. Star Magician and Hypnotist who has been wowing audiences in Cairns recently, Sam Powers didn't need any of his supernatural powers to ensure
this day was a success.

Weekend Today TV host, Cameron Williams was on hand to help MC the day
and poet extrordinaire Rupert McCall thrilled the diners with a brilliant poem composed specially for the day.

The star guest of the day, Today Morning Show Host, Karl Stefanovic, arrived by GBR helicopter after everyone was seated as per his acknowledged superstar status having recently won Televisions most coveted and prestigious Gold Logie Award.

A Queenslander by birth, Karl is an ardent and passionate supporter of his home state and despite his well justified honours, he willingly fulfilled his promise to come and support this superb Carnivale day.

It was joy to see that all the celebrities seemed genuinely interested to hear how Port Douglas and the far north have been so badly affected by the disastrous weather, not because we got hit by any cylones or floods but because the world including many fellow Australians didn't seem to comprehend the geography of Queensland and have stayed away despite massive tourism campaigns through unjustified fears. They promised to carry the message back and try their best to let their friends and family know that Port is unaffected and very much open for business.

The celebrities were gracious in their willingness to pose for photos and sign autographs all day for guests to help make the event a highlight of the Carnivale that will be difficult to beat and only one event in on the calendar!

As the superb luncheon wound down in the late afternoon, many of the guests including the celebrities made their way into town to get themselves a VIP seat from which to watch the traditional start of each years Carnivale, the famous Macrossan Street Parade at 7pm.

Despite businesses experiencing one of the most difficult commercial Green/Summer seasons through November to April on record about 50 floats still took to the streets to make this years Carnivale a superb success.

The crowds enthusiastically lined the streets and cheered every participant as they majestically streamed along Macrossan main Street.  The artistic ingenuity never ceases to amaze as each year the colourful floats light up the main street.

It's a joy to see the faces of the children as they 'Ooh and Aaah' when each float passes by. The town was heaving with locals as they happily put this past year behind them and celebrated what everyone is hoping will be as bright and energetic as the parade.

The fun pushed on into the night and many sore heads struggled to find a second wind for the Bulls Master Cricket Festival at the coveted Port Douglas Cricket Ground or PDCG (eat you heart out MCG!) as we now call it . For full match report see today's article below ('Bulls master their day in Port') .

For those not interested in the Cricket The Airing of the Quilts would have captured their imagination in Mossman and they enjoyed a steady flow of visitors who viewed the skills of the ladies who create these masterpieces.

The Cricket ended at about 4.30 but sports fans didn't have to move far because they were then treated to a home win by The Port Douglas and Mossman Raiders on the Rugby Ground which with perfect timing started at 4.30pm.

After this action packed day of sport came to an end the whole town rushed home but not to relax or calm down. Oh no sir! They were just making a quick change into their party 'frocks' and chasing their tails down to the Wine, Food and a Taste Port event at Rex Smeal Park.

Although the numbers looked like they were going to be slightly down on previous years as is always the Port Douglas way there was a late rally and a near capacity crowd enjoyed, as its name suggests the delights of both Port and Cairns eateries, who fed and watered, well actually more wined and dined, their guests in style.

And although many will have been shaken and stirred during the first two days of Carnivale, according to organisers some 2,000 guests partied into the night under the James Bond theme of Casino Royale and 007 would have been proud with the results.

So two days down but for those still capable of intelligent speech or perhaps we will have to settle for just a little blurred thinking, the third day of Carnivale, Sunday May 22, remained unforgiving and showed no signs of taking it's foot off the 'gas'.

'Carnivalistas' were at least allowed a lay in at the start of the day before the Seafood Extravaganza at the Meridien Marina got into full swing at 11am. But then it was back on duty or the Carnivale fun police would come calling!

The marina was heaving with locals jostling for position as they made their way through the milling crowds to sample their favourite seafood delicacies from the stalls.

As if by using some of Sam Powers magic or perhaps by sheer coincidence the P&O schedule for it's cruise ship Pacific Pearl included a stop off in Port Douglas today (Sunday). The passengers were being tendered from their luxury liner onto the Marina to enjoy their pre-booked tours. They must have thought they'd arrived in paradise, which of course we know they had, to find themselves in the middle of a town celebrating Mother Natures plentiful seafood splendour.

No wonder they all looked so happy as they wandered through town. They must have discovered there was plenty to go round!

So as the third day of Carnivale came to an end, the cruise ship passengers all safely back on their cruise and the marina boardwalk restored to normality, you could feel the whole town and the organisers heave a great sigh of relief !

Carnivale 2011 would indeed be another success.

But will we all be able to sustain this frantic unrelenting pace (or will there be a cry of mercy from those falling by the wayside)? Bah!, I hear you cry, this is Port Douglas and if there is one thing that is certain in this town, Port Douglas knows how to party !

Happy Carnivale, see you around town (even if it's a little furry around the edges) !