Close shave in cancer fight

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Close shave in cancer fight


by Mat Churchill

On Sunday 13 March a group of brave locals  will be shaving their heads at a family day at the Port Douglas Yacht Club to raise money for the Cancer Council.

Mereana Pohatu, David Wayne, and Ashley Bovan will put their scalps where their mouths are at the 'Clip for Cancer Council.'

Ms Pohatu is finding her motivation from watching her family battle the disease which affects one in two Australians by the age of 85.

"Because it has been in my family for such a long time and still is, I've now had some quiet time. . .and now we can do something," Ms Pohatu said.

"My Grandmother got lymphoma which is tumours in the lymphatic (system) in 1990. I watched her get sick and my parents gave up work for eight months to look after her.

"Just watching her get sick and trying to make sure the family was ok and watching her deteriorate, we all came together.

"I always used to hear Mum say at night "oh there must be more we can do, there must be more the hospital can do". . .she (her Grandmother) was ready to go."

The frightening prevalence of cancer in our society is highlighted in Mereana's direct network of family and friends. Her Uncle has recovered from bowel cancer, but she has a cousin and a workmate who has been diagnosed with cancer.

"Everyone that I've met, indirectly or directly, has cancer or has been affected by cancer. Just in the vicinity where I work . . .there's two women who have cancer."

Ms Pohatu wants to put a fun slant on a serious issue at the Clip for Cancer Council, ensuring people of all ages can attend and have a great day out.

"It's a gold coin day. Entry, jumping castle, face painting, just give a gold coin. There's a sausage sizzle which Matt and Simon (chefs at the Yacht Club) are doing. They're awesome!

"We've got music playing all day thanks to Larry Cash, and Molly Delaney who was the youngest singer songwriter competitor at the Carnivale last year. Her and her sister are going to be playing.

"Molly and Anne Farnham, another two sisters from Mossman High, they'll be playing for about 40 minutes. And we've got (Kim) Hurley as MC, good old soul. She be hopefully doing some songs for us.

"Basically we'll be doing a Sister Sledge kind of thing having all females."

Ms Pohatu will be braiding her hair and asking businesses to sponsor a braid cutting at $100 each, and early signs are good with seven businesses already jumping on board.

"Port FM of course, knowing Michael (Gabour) being the hoot himself said he'll give me $150 to leave one in," she laughed.

Festivities at the Yacht Club start at 12pm and run right through until 6pm.