Clink calls for aspiring actors

Monday 28 February 2011

Clink calls for aspiring actors


The Clink Theatre group have begun auditions for their next major show for 2011, “Mano Nera”.

Set against a back drop of the North Queensland cane fields, “Mano Nera” follows the plight of the Italian immigrants as they worked and were integrated into this difficult Australian climate and culture.

"This is an action packed play with love, murder, explosions, prostitution and racketeering. Who would not want to be involved?" said Clink Theatre president Claire Tierney.

The plot for the play has had the Clink committee chasing and filming cane field burnings for the visual backdrop that is to be Director Jack Heywood’s sixth show in six years.

"This experience of being in a play is exhilarating. Jack has 50 years of theatre experience and his team will guide all participants through the process of character building and stage craft." Ms Tierney said.

"It's important to keep in mind that this is an amateur theatre excursion where prior experience is not required. Over four months you will enjoy the support of the theatre family, make new connections and learn new things about theatre and yourself."

For more information on auditioning for Mano Nera contact the Clink Theatre on 0437 367 868.

Mano Nera commences 16 June.