Students take "virtual field trip"

Monday 27 June 2011

Students take "virtual field trip"

The largest butterfly sanctuary in Australia has hosted its first “Virtual Field Trip”, giving remote Cape York students the opportunity to explore butterflies via the internet.

Students from Pormpuraaw State School, almost 500 kilometres away from the Australian Butterfly Sanctuary in Kuranda, were able to see and learn about butterflies using the internet and web video technologies.

Education Advisor from eLearning in Remote Communities (FNQ) Theresa Feletar facilitated the “virtual visit” using a laptop, webcam and wireless internet connection, showing the butterflies and caterpillars up close whilst a guide commented on points of interest and answered questions.

Australian Butterfly Sanctuary General Manager Anja Bakker said the session was the first of its kind to take place in the sanctuary.

“Most state schools are currently learning about minibeasts and the effect they have on us, our environment, and other plants and animals, and as a result we have had lots of school groups through this month,” she said.

“This has certainly been unique in that it’s the first time a classroom has been able to explore our Butterfly Sanctuary, without even so much as setting foot into our aviary”.

The butterfly sanctuary itself has also adopted new technology in its “Behind-The-Scenes” Laboratory Tour, with a new microscopic display allowing visitors to view butterflies up close on a large screen.

The largest live butterfly exhibit in the country, the Australian Butterfly Sanctuary is home to over 1500 tropical butterflies which are all local rainforest species, including the electric blue Ulysses butterfly, and the majestic green and yellow Cairns Birdwing, the largest butterfly in Australia.