Get involved, Government told

Monday 27 June 2011

Get involved, Government told

The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) has called on the Federal Government to be more actively involved in conservation and land management on Cape York Peninsula.

ACF executive director Don Henry congratulated the Queensland Government and Indigenous Traditional Owners for signing an agreement last week to jointly manage and protect the culturally and environmentally significant Lakefield National Park and called on the Federal Government to be more engaged on the Cape.

“The Federal Government should be doing much more to support voluntary land hand backs to Traditional Owners to protect Cape York’s superb natural and cultural values,” Mr Henry said.

“There is also a need for the Federal Government to educate people about what World Heritage listing could mean for Cape York, but ACF emphasises that World Heritage listing should only proceed with the consent of Traditional Owners,” he said.

The agreement provides a shared decision-making framework for the government and the Traditional Owners to determine the management of the park.

The Rinyirru (Lakefield) National Park Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land, around 250 kilometres north of Port Douglas, covers 544,000 hectares and is renowned for its spectacular wetlands and vast river systems.  

The park is a haven for wildlife and is home to magpie geese, brolga, the comb-crested jacana, the Australian bustard, the northern nailtail wallaby and threatened species like the golden shouldered parrot, red goshawk and Lakeland Downs mouse.

“(The) signing is a great step towards protecting this internationally significant area and recognising Traditional Owners’ experience and expertise in land management,” said ACF’s Leah Talbot at the ceremony at Lakefield National Park."