Updated - Abbot joins Port Brigade

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Updated - Abbott delays Port visit


Federal Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, has decided to delay his visit to Port Douglas due to the Government's upcoming Carbon Tax announcement this Sunday.

While Mr Abbott will remain in Canberra, Federal Member for Leichhardt, Warren Entsch, has told The Newsport that Shadow Treasurer, Joe Hockey, and new Sheraton Mirage owner, David Marriner, will still attend the planned evening for local business people.

The event has drawn a flurry of bookings with Sheraton Mirage GM, Lachlan Walker advising local business people that just a handful of places remain.

Details for inquiries and RSVP for the business community by 4pm on 11th July for the cocktail evening to Louise Miles, contact email: louise.miles@sheraton.com or Ph: (61) (7) 4099 0867.

Previously reported

Abbott joins Port Brigade

2.04pm Tuesday, 5 July

Further to our announcement yesterday afternoon, we can now confirm that Mr David Marriner, the new owner of the Sheraton Mirage, Port Douglas in association with The Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce, The Mossman Chamber of Commerce and TPDD, the local tourism body, is extending an invitation to all their members and any local business owners and operators to meet the Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch, Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey, Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, and himself in Port Douglas for an informal evening of 'cocktails and nibbles' on July 14th from 6 to 8pm. 

This evening will present an ideal opportunity for the business community to raise their concerns on key issues such as the treatment of their businesses by the 'Big 4' banks and the implications to their businesses of the significant increases on Strata Title insurance. 

This meeting, being generously hosted by Mr David Marriner and his team, will present the perfect opportunity to hear direct from Mr Marriner himself about his plans for the re-development of the Sheraton complex.

It is also expected that there will be ample time allocated at the end of the talks for a 'Question and Answer' forum to raise the profile of many of the difficult local issues currently facing the community. 

With these high profile public figures in attendance, this is a great opportunity for the business community to raise the profile of issues directly affecting Port Douglas and its surrounding region and it should not be missed. 

Details for inquiries and RSVP for the business community by 4pm on 11th July for the cocktail evening to Louise Miles, contact email: louise.miles@sheraton.com or Ph: (61) (7) 4099 0867. This evening will be strictly entry by RSVP only and bookings are limited.

Previously reported

Marriner, Hockey Port bound

Monday 20 June, 2011

Federal Member for Leichhardt, Warren Entsch, says he has orchestrated an event for local businesses which will see Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey and new Sheraton Mirage part owner, David Marriner, in attendance.

"I've asked Joe (Hockey) to come up to Port Douglas and I'm going to organise a cocktail function for the Port Douglas and Mossman business community," Mr Entsch said.

"I want to show him what needs to be done including the refurbishment of the (Sheraton) Mirage and of course the (Port Douglas lagoon) pool and anything else that the business community can come up with.

"I've asked David Marriner to come up and present directly to Joe, and he may well be in a position to make the necessary announcement."

The event is to be held on Thursday 14 July. More details to come.