Treveen has your Jnr Netball covered

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Treveen has your Jnr Netball covered

by Treveen Page

The Douglas Junior Netball competition resumed after school holidays last Tuesday at Port Courts.


The 10/Under competition started with the Diamonds playing the Gladiators on Court 1. The game was very defensive which kept the scores low.

Amelia Lee was a standout in defence for the Diamonds stopping many goals from the very strong shooters for the opposition, and younger sister Dominique Lee who started this year from Net Set Go might be small in stature but made it up for it in might. She is showing fantastic improvement.  

Thanks to Charlotte Dowling for playing with the Gladiators to make up numbers.

Jaslyn Chesterfield for the Gladiators was landing and pivoting exceptionally well throughout the game and Jasmine Kirk shot very well for goal.  

Final score Diamonds by a goal 5-4.  

Court 2 saw the Saints play the Tigers, and the Tigers were undermanned but thanks to Robyn Bruenig for helping them out.

Heidi Pashen played an excellent centre game and combined well with her team to run the ball down the court with Tara Smith finishing off well for goal. Carla Young did a great job in defence stopping many opportunities for the Saints.

The Saints put in a great game and Kiara-Mae Gaddes has gained confidence over the season calling and leading well. Her training is showing on the court, well done!

Jaz Dodds put in some brilliant intercepts, reading the play and making space.  

Final score Tigers 2 def. Saints 1.


The 12/Under division began with Miallo 1 playing the Panthers on Court 1.  Miallo are looking more slick with their play each week displaying great passing skills and moving the ball with great speed toward their goal.  

Jade Schuck shot well for goal a very dependable goal shooter or attack, well done. Lana Baxter was excellent in attack leading well and displaying great decision making.  

The Panthers put in a fantastic game but could not get the score on the board.  Georgia Kelly showed strength and courage with some strong intercepts, and once she had her hands on the ball she pulled it in for her team.

Tully Case defended well and is using her height to full advantage - well done!  Thanks to Kalani Revel for filling in for Jade Reed (injury) to make the numbers up for the Panthers.  

Final score Miallo 22 def Panthers nil.  

Court 2 saw the Allstars play the Crocs. For the Crocs Lily Davis was great in defence and Maisy Garde made some very accurate passes. Nicky Samson was consistantly strong throughout the game and great to see Courtney Sophocleous shoot a brilliant goal.  

The Allstars played well and Eliza Markham used the goal circle well, reached for the ball, then finished off extremely well for goal, great game!  

Poppy Lawrence was ever reliable with intercepts which turned the game back to the Allstars advantage.  Micaela Cairns for the Allstars played brilliantly in defence.

Final score Allstars 18 def. Crocs 4.  

On Court 3 the Magic played the Sparks. The Sparks against a tough team put in a fantastic team effort with Taylor Miller displaying clever positioning in the goal circle.

Ella Dodds did a stellar job as goal keeper and Denby Woods read the play well and defended strongly, great game! Thanks to Hannah Durie for playing up from 10/Under for the Sparks.  

The  Magic team displayed sharp passing with nice plays by Abbie Kent, Samaria Denman and Casilda Creek who combined well in the goal circle scoring well, and Cian Dansken showed the training is paying off with some magical dodges then leading strongly.  

Final score Magic 20 def. Sparks nil.


The 14/Under competition on Court 1 saw the Judamalies play the Vipers in a tight game. The Judamalies played a fantastic game, Lauren Ryan was dominant as keeper, and Frankie Webster played strongly while Kloee Revel defended well.  

Holly Brown and Maddy Weaver were a great duo in the goal circle - Brilliant shooting Maddy!  

The Vipers were up by a goal at half time, and Akasha Francis performed well in centre showing strength and leadership. Molly Delaney found space through the centre of the court with plenty of accurate passing and Tayler Killeen shot a great goal.  

Final score Judamalies 14 def. Vipers 11.  

The 12/Under Representative team played the Dynamite in their newly arrived netball dresses - hot pink and black and looked fantastic on the court.

The Dynamite had a slow start just 1 goal up by half time but woke up in the second half to score 7 goals to nil.  Marley Cairns played a fantastic game in goal attack and Simone Pringle also shot some fantastic goals, well done!  

The 12 Reps put in a big first half with Maddy Malone playing very strongly in defence, and at ground level she never lost the ball. As a team the girls played high pressure netball making the opposition work hard for every pass.

Jade Schuck for 12s played well in goal attack but certainly felt the pressure from Dynamites Eleisha  Mealing (selected for Junior Marlins this year).  

Final score Dynamite 9 def. 12/U reps 3.
Special thanks the Pink Real Estate for sponsoring the Dynamites netball dresses. It's great to see such wonderful support from the local community for junior sport.
Thanks to all the coaches, umpires and all who help each week to make the Junior competiton a great success.