Trespassing backpackers living large

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Trespassing backpackers living large

Illegal camping took on a new dimension last week with international backpackers found using a vacant multi-million dollar property near the Port Douglas lookout to squat.

Pool maintenance staff arrived at the vacant Island Point Road property last Tuesday to find it being inhabited by a number of backpackers.

The kitchen contained food and alcohol items, while numerous bedrooms of the four-storey mortgagee property, reportedly valued at $5.5 million, contained makeshift bedding, laptops, clothes and bicycles.

While the main entry of the house had been locked, it initially appeared entry may have been gained via windows.

Port Douglas Police and the managing agent of the property were called, and two international backpackers were apprehended immediately and taken to Port Douglas Police Station for questioning.

The two admitted a procession of backpackers had been frequenting the property for at least two weeks, some leaving their possessions in the house during the day while working, returning in the evening.

A Port Douglas Police spokesman said four people – one English, one Isreali, one Scot and one Frenchman - were charged with trespass. The four were due to face court on Wednesday, July 27.

One person was charged by way of drug diversion and ordered to attend a drug education seminar. The spokesman said another couple were believed to have fled the property with their possessions and were not able to be identified.

While two of the backpackers initially claimed they did not possess passports, Port Douglas police investigations failed to find any indications of illegal immigration.