Tiger an endangered species

Monday 11 July 2011

Tiger an endangered species

by Mat Churchill

  • Tiger grounded until end of July
  • Tourism boss says minimal impact on region

A quick resolution to Tiger Airways' problems has not eventuated with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) forced the carrier to ground its aircraft until at least the end of July amid ongoing safety investigations.

Tiger's Australian chief executive, Crawford Rix, has stood down from his post, and a statement from the airline said it was confident of returning to the air in August.

''We are optimistic of returning to normal services while reassuring the public, staff and stakeholders of our long term commitment to Australia,'' it said. ''The airline is well positioned to meet these goals.''

Tiger has long been criticised by passengers for their tardy arrival and departure record, and did themselves no favours in the eyes of the public by continuing to sell tickets for flights that had little chance of running.

Tiger says it will refund fares to passengers booked on flights between now and the end of the month and has now halted ticket sales.

Tourism Port Douglas and Daintree executive officer, Doug Ryan, said the effect on the region of CASA's decision to ground the airline is minimal.

"The other airlines are attempting to take the loadings up, off Tiger, with a combination of putting on extra flights and putting on wide-bodied aircraft to carry the extra load.

"I think the effect on us is minimised up here. (It's) still not good though.

"We sent out an email (to TPDD members) asking if anyone was finding any detriment to it because of the flights and we received no replies. I know that everyone is being looked after and tried to get up here in other ways."

Mr Ryan said he was hopeful Tiger would resume flights into Cairns as soon as possible.

"The more flights we have coming into here, particularly out of our prime market like Melbourne, it's important we have those.

"Sure the low cost carrier does bring in a different type of client but hopefully (if) they don't pay as much for their flight they spend more in the destination."