Port Douglas Tennis News

Monday 11 July 2011

Port Douglas Tennis News

by Alex White
Secretary, Port Douglas Tennis Club

There has been a lot of things going on at the PDTC lately like the recent Carnivale Cup, Swingers Tournament, Mid Winter Tennis night and many other coaching days.

At the Carnivale Cup there was a close final with Herold Prins and Katie L’Estrange going down to a Sydney couple, Glen and Lynda who were up on holidays.

The first ever PDTC Swingers Tournament was a success with many entrants playing in the tournament with the winners being Ned Black for the men’s and Marie for the women’s.

Club coach Herold Prins held the first ever Mid Winter Tennis night which had many kids involved who enjoyed it very much. Keep a lookout for other fun tennis events such as these.

The next event coming up is the PDTC Championships which will be held on 30 and 31 July. This event will be open to all PDTC members, juniors or adults. The categories will be Men’s Single, Ladies Singles, Men’s Doubles, Ladies Doubles and Mixed Doubles. The cost is $10 per player per event and entry forms have been sent out so send your entries to Alex White.

Another event on the tennis event calendar will be the Junior Club Championships. This will be played on 27 and 28 August. Entry forms will be sent out prior to this event.

On 17 July the PDTC will be having a Working Bee. Those people who would like to come down and help their club out your assistance would be greatly appreciated, even if it is only for an hour or two. The Working Bee will start at 10am.

Planning is underway to build a playground at the tennis club and this should be completed in the coming months.

A reminder that there is social tennis at the club, on Monday (6pm-8pm) social mixed for the young at heart, Tuesday (6pm-9pm) – A grade men’s tennis, Wednesday 9am for the ladies a bit of a hit and giggle and then 6pm-8pm – social mixed for intermediate standards of any age, Thursday (4pm-8pm) – ladies tennis and Sunday (4pm – 7pm) – men’s tennis.

With the club receiving the Gambling Community Benefit Fund grant and most recent the Heritage Fund grant many new improvements are underway for the club so come down and check out what is happening and support your local club.