Call for input into festive festivities

Thursday 28 July 2011

Call for input into festivities

Ever thought Port Douglas needed more Christmas decorations during the festive period to liven up the streets?

In conjunction with the upcoming launch of the new Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce’s website, the community will be able to have its input on how to use a “Celebration Fund” to bring the town to life during Christmas and New Year.

Chamber president, Ken Dobbs, said in recent years there had been issues with funding of the town’s fireworks, usually held on New Year’s Eve at a cost of $10,000-$12,000.

Mr Dobbs said the new-look website would give both the private sector and the general community a chance to have their say and called on locals to become involved in the fundraising campaign earlier in the year to provide bigger and better festive celebrations.

“Last year, $5000-$7000 was spent on LED Christmas lighting on four trees on Macrossan Street,” Mr Dobbs said.

“There were a few electrical issues with those lights, but that was the start of something.

“Maybe people would like to see a Christmas tree on Macrossan Street or more festive lighting around town.”

Mr Dobbs said the Chamber would take the community’s suggestions and present them to Cairns Regional Council in an attempt to secure additional funding.

“We are looking to build on last year’s lighting and the community’s input will help the Chamber do that, in conjunction with Council,” he said.

“The earlier we start, the bigger the fund.”

Mr Dobbs said the Chamber’s committee was currently looking at a draft website created by a local media company to replace the current, which had not been updated for three years, and should be online within the next week or so.=