Ask Jason

Thursday 28 July 2011

Ask Jason

     Dear Jason

Can you tell me why there are traffic lights on the Julatten Range which  inconvenience local residents (and tourists) daily. There are no road works and no apparent reasons for the lights to be there so I and many others are curious as to the reason. 

From: Toni Graham, Julatten.

Response from State Member for Cook, Jason O'Brien. 

Hi Toni

Traffic lights have been placed on the narrow road of Rex Range for the safety of road users.

This traffic control measure supports the lane closure needed to carry out permanent works to fix the damage caused by rockslide from heavy rain early last year.

The department appreciates the impact the temporary traffic control has on road users, but safety must come first and will restore normal traffic conditions as soon as possible.

The permanent works include widening the section of the road for better capacity for large vehicles like trucks and caravans, construction of a retaining wall and rock fall netting to the upper side of the embankment and slope stabilisation on the lower side of the embankment to ensure the long-term stability of this section of road.


Ask Your Pollie

Our elected representatives; Julia Leu (Division 10 councilor), Val Schier (Mayor Cairns Regional Council), Jason O'Brien (State Member for Cook), and Warren Entsch (Federal Member for Leichhardt), are happy to field your questions on the issues you feel passionate about.

Simply click on the image of the politician you'd like a response from and ask away. Your question will be emailed to us at The Newsport and we will seek an answer from that pollie on your behalf.

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To make this whole exercise worthwhile, make sure your questions are topical and preferably affect the community as a whole (why your dog only eats cat food probably won't make the grade).

And remember, our elected reps can be contacted through their offices directly if you'd prefer. We just like to share and share alike.