AFL players groom rising SUNS

Wednesday 13 July 2011

AFL players groom rising SUNS

Gold Coast SUNS players Roland Ah Chee and Alik Magin launched the North Queensland Secondary Schools Cup during a visit to Trinity Bay State High School this week.

The players were in town ahead of the Toyota AFL Premiership match to be played against the Richmond Tigers on Saturday 16 July at Cazalys Stadium.

They met with players and the coach of the Trinity Bay SHS team to wish them luck and pass on a few skills for the new schools competition that will see 11 secondary schools from across Far North Queensland compete from Wednesday 13th to Saturday 16th July.

Speaking at the school Roland Ah Chee congratulated AFL Cape York on the new initiative.

"This is a great concept for young players. Part of our focus at the SUNS is to combine our AFL development with a focus on life after football.

"I think it's really important to have the chance to find out as much as you can about your career options early on. That way, no matter how far your sport takes you, you have something else to fall back on and I hope the students make the most of the Cup program this week" Ah Chee said.

Up to 250 students from across North Queensland will compete in the four day carnival, with teams coming from Mossman, Proserpine near Mackey, Townsville and all the way up to Tagai College on Thursday Island.

At least one third of the students participating in the championships are Indigenous with four of the schools being classed as Indigenous colleges.

AFL Cape York High Schools Manager Kane Richter said the program was developed to create another opportunity for young players from across the region to compete, but with the emphasis firmly placed on their attendance at school and their plans for their own futures.

"Through working closely with communities over the past ten years, we've learnt that AFL can be the vehicle that encourages students to get more involved in school.

AFL Cape York programs such as these championships provide students with a chance to compete, to meet students from across the region and to find out first hand about jobs and training options. It's great to have Alik and Roland here to show them what they can achieve if they set their minds to it," he said.

Round-robin matches will be played today from 1pm to 6pm and Thursday 14th July from 9.30 to 5.30pm at Watson's Oval. The semi-finals will also be played at Watson's Oval on Friday at a time to be scheduled.

The Grand Final of the North Queensland Secondary Schools Cup will be played at the conclusion of the AFL match, under lights at Cazaly's Stadium at 5.40pm on Saturday, and all participating students will attend.

The participating schools are Tagai College, Mossman High, Trinity Bay SHS, St Augustine's College, Smithfield SHS, Djarragun College, Bentley Park College, Cairns SHS, Shalom College, Kirwin SHS from Townsville and Proserpine SHS from Mackay.