2012 Challenge entries open

Monday 4 July 2011

2012 Challenge entries open

  • 2012 entires open
  • Bike leg "towards" Port Douglas

Entries for the 2012 Cairns Airport Challenge Cairns are now open online to the general public and following the success of the inaugural event last month, organisers are tipping entries will fill fast.

Geoff Meyer, CEO of USM EVENTS, says that the popularity of Australia’s newest iron-distance event is set to increase after the overwhelming response and positive feedback received from competitors.

“The 2011 Cairns Airport Challenge Cairns was a huge success and feedback from the competitors has been incredible. From the course, to the perfect Tropical North Queensland weather, and everything in between we anticipate that the 2012 event will be extremely popular.

"We only have 1000 general entries available so we are urging competitors to get in early to secure themselves a position at the start line,” said Mr Meyer.

Set in one of the world's most iconic tropical locations, the 2012 Cairns Airport Challenge Cairns will take place on 3 June 2012 and will feature a course memorable for the 3.8km swim in the warm waters off Yorkeys Knob, a 180km bike leg that travels up arguably the most scenic coastal roads in Australia towards Port Douglas and a 42.2km run that includes the Cairns Esplanade before finishing in the heart of Cairns.

Inaugural Challenge Cairns champion, Chris McCormack touted the course as one of the world’s best.

“Without question it is one of the most beautiful courses I’ve raced, the backdrop on the bike was awesome. Cairns really knows how to turn it on - it was Cairns-tastic,” he said following his victory.

Cairns Airport Challenge Cairns will take place on 3 June 2012.

Editor's Comments: Much of the information from this article came via a press release from USM events.

It is interesting to note that the bike leg will head "towards" Port Douglas. This can be taken two ways; firstly, that the bike leg route has not yet been finalised for 2012, or that the bike leg has been finalised and will not enter Port Douglas.

If the latter is the case then I believe Port Douglas has lost one of the greatest events to come to the region thanks to the shortsightedness of a vocal minority (I've always wanted to use that term).

The closure of the Captain Cook Highway made the event a more scenic spectacle for athletes and viewers. If the course does come "towards" Port Douglas and not into Port Douglas then the highway will remain closed and the town won't reap the benefits of a growing event.

It's time to embrace Challenge Cairns or pay the price.