Storm maps under review
Friday 14 January 2011
Storm maps under review

Cairns Regional Council is currently undertaking a review of the Evacuation Strategy which has included Storm Tide Mapping.
The entire Cairns Region has been included in the updated mapping, however, due to the mapping format and file size of the new maps, not all maps have been completed in the web page format to go online.
Maps for the Douglas region are included in those awaiting upload treatment.
Liz Collyer, Council's acting regional manager for the Douglas area said paper based maps are available to the public.
"Detailed Storm Tide Maps in their entirety are available for viewing at Council's Mossman Administration Office in Front Street, the Mossman Library in Mill Street, or at Library Kiosk @ Port in the Port Douglas Community Hall in Mowbray Street," Cr Collyer said.
"Council has compiled comprehensive information relating to Disaster Management for residents. This information is detailed on the Council website, has been included in Council's 50 page Cyclone Survival Guide booklet distributed in December and features in the Council Information pages of the 2011 Community Phone Book."
Bob Baade Council's Executive Engineer in Douglas is also the Assistant Executive Officer of Council's Disaster Management Team.