Liquor quicker for community groups

Friday 28 January 2011

Liquor quicker for community groups


Cook community groups, sporting organisations and Parents & Friends Associations applying for a one-off community liquor permit will now find it easier and quicker, thanks to the introduction of a State-wide online application process.

Member for Cook Jason O'Brien MP said the online process would cut the paperwork for low-risk events and make it easier for hard-working community group officials to conduct successful events and raise much-needed revenue.

“This is great news for many local groups who will be applying for community liquor permits for events being planned here in Cook," Mr O'Brien said.

“Community groups wanting licensed sausage sizzles to raise funds and sporting organisations keen to have a beer with their BBQ at the local grand final will easily be able to apply for their permit using the online application process.

“While this will lessen the amount of paperwork, postage and time taken to apply, applicants will still be subject to the same licensing requirements as before.”

To apply, visit the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation website

A Brisbane online trial, which commenced in April 2010, paved the way for the state-wide roll-out.

In 2010 the Queensland Government made a range of improvements to the licensing process, broadening its online application payment capability by introducing BPay and increased limits for credit card payments.