Getting the facts on cyclones
Wednesday 5 January 2011
Getting the facts on cyclones

Regularly updated cyclone information is available on Cairns Regional Council’s website, ensuring that those who visit the site will receive the most up to date information. Council’s Disaster Management
Team uploads current weather information and warnings via Facebook, which in turn is automatically streamed onto the cyclone and emergency pages at the Council's website.
Acting Mayor and Chair of the Local Disaster Management Group, Margaret Cochrane said this method was proving fast and most efficient.
“Council’s IT team has worked on the cyclone and emergency page so that the very latest weather information can be streamed straight on to the site,” Cr Cochrane said.
“We encourage everyone to check the website regularly for all information during this season. There is information about caring for your pets during a cyclone, evacuation advice, links to the Bureau of Meteorology and RACQ's road condition report detailing road conditions.
“Council advises everyone to look at the Preparing for Cyclones brochure to ensure they are ready for the season. There is a cyclone tracking map and the emergency checklist as well. All three are available for download.”