Call for disabled support
Tuesday 18 January 2011
Call for disabled support

Cairns Regional Council is calling on the regional community’s generosity to help people with a disability affected by the floods in Central Queensland.
Council will establish a centre for the coordination of donations of mobility equipment including wheelchairs, walkers, crutches and shower chairs.
Mayor Val Shier said that donations would be held at Council until such time as Disability Services in other parts of the State indicated that there was a need.
“Council understands that cooperation with LGAQ, EMQ and State Disaster Coordination is very important in emergency situations. We can however, be on the front foot and proactive, ready to deliver collected items as soon as a Disability Service Local Area Coordinator in a centre indicates a need,” Cr Schier said.
“There are so many people in our community who feel they want to do something to help victims of the flood. Donating equipment for those who have lost their mobility through loss of their aide is a way to truly help.”
Council’s Access and Equity Officer, Ian Chill has been in touch with Disability Services coordinators in Emerald who have indicated that there is a need for mobility equipment in the town.
“We have several Cairns businesses that will make donations of equipment and have also offered to provide inspections and repairs of donated items to ensure they are in working order,” Mr Chill said.
“Local transport operators have offered to deliver items free of charge should the need arise.”
Cr Schier said that community members who wish to donate mobility equipment should contact Council.
“Council will create a data base, registering the details of individuals and businesses who wish to donate equipment and the type of equipment they wish to donate.
“When a request comes in from Disability Services in an area affected by flooding, Mr Chill and his team of volunteers will arrange to collect items listed on the database to match the request.
“In times of disaster and emergency, people do pull together and dig deep to be generous and kind. Council is calling on everyone to think of those in the south, who have lost so much in the last few weeks.”