Another year, another resolution
Wednesday 5 January 2011
Another year, another resolution

So, like nearly half of all adults in this country, you've made a New Year's resolution. And, if you're like 25% of people who make resolutions for the new year then you've only got a couple of days left before you fall off the wagon.
That's right, one in four won't last past the first week before the lure of that last bit of Christmas cake, that six pack that was left in the fridge from New Year's eve, or the last two smokes in the pack becomes too much to bear.
Along with eating right and quitting smoking, exercise and better money management come top of many people's wish lists.
Let's take a look at what your chances of success are as 2011 rolls on:
Past the first week: 75%
Past two weeks: 71%
After one month: 64%
After six months: 46%
But it's not all doom and gloom. Research shows that making resolutions is a useful thing to do, and those who do are ten times more likely to achieve their goal than those who don't set a specific goal.
Other than a complete lack of resolve, work and family obligations, no planning, little support, and unexpected changes in one's circumstances are some of the reasons people's resolutions fall by the way side.
So how do you give yourself the best chance to achieve your goal?
Planning is a key factor. Don't be impulsive and pick a resolution at the last minute but work out the steps you need to take to achieve your goal. Being realistic with what you want to achieve is also important. If you've been a couch potato for the last ten years, chances are running a marathon by Easter won't happen.
Finally, don't be too harsh on yourself if you do fall off the wagon. It has been reported that those who stick to their resolutions for at least two years have an average of 14 setbacks.
But let's face it, 1 January is just another day in your life so if you've headed into 2011 without a goal then don't write off the year. In the wise words of Marty McFly in Back To The Future "If you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything."
Let us know your New Year's resolution and how you intend to stick to it.