Students to give "quintessential experience"
Tuesday 22 February 2011
Students give "quintessential experience"

11 indigenous trainees are preparing to enter the workforce to gain experience after completing their Certificate II in Tourism.
The trainees are the first of 31 to participate in TTNQ’s Indigenous Employment Program in association with the Queensland and Australian Governments aimed at boosting the number of Indigenous employees in the local tourism industry.
Rob Giason, CEO of Tourism Tropical North Queensland said it was important indigenous Australians are well represented in the tourism industry.
"Anecdotal feedback from industry is that international visitors expect and want to engage with Indigenous Australians. TTNQ sees this program as a tremendous opportunity for tourism locally to do more to give international visitors that quintessential Australian experience but more importantly, provide jobs for Indigenous Australians.”
Senator Jan McLucas and Julie Dare representing Department of Employment Economic Development and Innovation helped launch the project.
After their work experience placements, students will return to their studies to undertake their Certificate III in Tourism.