Green waste collection commences

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Green waste collection commences


Cairns Regional Council crews will begin green waste pick-ups commencing tomorrow.
This will ensure residents have time to clear debris and place on the nature strip in front of property ready for collection.
Council will have more than 30 crews undertaking this collection, however it is anticipated that due to the magnitude of this task it will take approximately six weeks to complete. Council asks residents to be patient as crews make their way through the region.
Residents are asked to stack green waste parallel to the kerb on the footpath or nature strip. Waste should be clear of power lines, power boxes, water meters or any other assets that may be damaged by machinery.
This pick-up is for green waste only, and crews will not be able to return for a second run, so please ensure all green waste that needs to be collected is appropriately placed in time for collection.
Port Douglas, Mossman, and Newell Beach are among the first locations to be cleared.
Those residents able to remove green waste from their property and take to the waste transfer station are asked to do so. Green waste can be taken to the Smithfield, Portsmith and Killaloe transfer stations free of charge until further notice.
Any materials other than green waste delivered to transfer stations, will incur normal charges.