Cyclone stats paint a picture
Monday 7 February 2011
Cyclone stats paint a grim picture

The extent of the damage caused by Cyclone Yasi is becoming clearer with statistics showing the storm's impact over a massive area.
148 homes have been destroyed by the cyclone where winds of up to 295km/h were recorded. A further 649 homes remain uninhabitable while 2,274 homes sustained "moderate to medium" damage.
As at 10.35am (Monday 7 February), 64,423 homes were still without power while 34,000 have had their power restored.
According to the Bureau Of Meteorology, the highest winds recorded at the Low Isles weather station during Cyclone Yasi was 94km/h late Wednesday night, while 110.4mm of rain fell on Friday morning.
The Bruce Highway is open between Cairns and Townsville, however authorities are urging drivers to be cautious.
Recovery efforts are well underway as 100,000 litres of diesel fuel and 70,000 litres of petrol is trucked into Cardwell, and deliveries of fresh water are being made to areas whose water supplies have been cut off.
The damage bill is estimated at over $1 billion.
Do you have any photos from your experience of Cyclone Yasi? Send them to us at