Youth involved in local issues
Friday 2 December 2011
Youth involved in local issues

Young people living in the Cairns region are invited to have their say on the issues that affect them by joining the Cairns YEA! (Youth Engagement and Action) Advisory Group.
Members of Cairns YEA! represent their peers as the voice of youth in the Cairns region and are called on to give their opinion on actions of Council that affect them.
“It might be cliché to say the youth are the future – but it is an accurate cliché,” Mayor Val Schier said.
“The decisions we make today will affect our young people as they move into leadership roles in our community in the years to come.
Members of Cairns YEA! need to be aged 12 to 25 and currently living in the Cairns region, be passionate about their community and local issues.
A parent or guardian’s written consent is required for applicants aged under 18.
“We want to hear from people from all areas of the region, with wide ranging interests and from all backgrounds,” said Cairns YEA! chairperson Cr Kirsten Lesina.
“Anyone who is committed to making a positive difference in our region will be welcomed to the group.”
To apply for Cairns YEA! download the application form. Applications for membership close on December 23.
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