Port makes Google's Zeitgeist

Friday 9 December 2011

Port makes Google's Zeitgeist

Google has releasing its annual lists of the year’s hottest search terms - and Port Douglas has made an impact.

The 'Zeitgeist' lists are used to identify emerging trends, big events, and other topics that captured the attention of the world throughout 2011.

Among the fastest rising search entries, Cyclone Yasi, iPhone 5, and planking were among the top terms.

Apparently more Australians were interested in the Death of British singer, Amy Winehouse, than that of Osama bin Laden.

On a positive note, Port Douglas landed in the Top 10 holiday desitnations searched by Australians as they look passed the extreme weather events of earlier in the year.
Also making the Top 10 were Hamilton Island, Hayman Island, and the Great Barrier Reef.

According to Wikipedia the term 'Zeitgeist' means "the spirit of the times." 

Have you checked out the region's best photo competition?