Keep recycling over Christmas hols

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Keep recycling over Christmas hols

Residents are reminded that the Christmas-New Year break is business as usual for Cairns Regional Council’s waste collection crews.  This includes the teams that sort items for recycling, reducing the region’s reliance on landfill.

Placing household waste in the correct bins is just as important at Christmas as it is throughout the year.

“Not everyone takes a break – our waste collection crews are making sure there is no lapse in rubbish collection and disposal,” Acting Mayor Margaret Cochrane said.

“People can generally be forgiven for slipping into holiday mode at this time of year.

“But separating waste into the correct household bins – even at Christmas time – goes a long way to ensuring maximum waste reduction at the other end.

“Many residents don’t realise that their waste is sorted by hand – there are people who work extremely hard in our materials recovery facility to sort and separate recyclable items.”

All kerbside rubbish collection will continue as per usual schedule during the holiday period. 

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