Ecolibrium - ClimateSmart Business
Thursday 1 December 2011
Ecolibrium - Climate Smart Business

by Sophie Barrettt
Team Leader, Cairns and Far North Climate Smart Business Cluster
Local consultancies, Green at Heart and The Missing Link Resource Co-ordinators will be facilitating a ClimateSmart Business Cluster program for Far North Queensland businesses.
Many people have participated in the much publicised ClimateSmart Home Service but until now the ClimateSmart Business program has not been available in Far North Queensland.
What is the Far North ClimateSmart Business Cluster?
The Far North ClimateSmart Business Cluster (FNCBC) will mentor businesses through a program to improve their businesses sustainability and will be an introduction to the financial benefits of eco-efficiency and is a gateway to ongoing sustainable business practices.
The program is open to small businesses with up to 40 employees throughout the region. Support and mentoring will be provided for the duration of the program by expert sustainability consultants.
How does it work?
The FNCBC group leaders will work with individual business helping them to assess their energy use, water use and/or waste, providing them with opportunities to improve their eco-efficiency.
These businesses will work together to network and share experience to save energy and water and reduce waste.
The program will be presented through workshops, an onsite audit and action plan and online forum. On line support will be available through e-newsletters and an online blog to share ideas with other participants.
What are the benefits for my business?
As well as knowledge, networking opportunities and big dollar savings, businesses will receive a certificate of appreciation and the ability to promote themselves as an energy efficient business.
Participants of the program in Southern Queensland have experienced savings of up to $2000 on average on their annual utility costs.
Program length and cost
The FNCBC can accept 20 businesses to participate in the program which will commence in February 2012 and be completed in June 2012.
The program is valued at $3300 but with government funding will be available to small businesses for only $330, an investment which is expected to be easily saved in the first year.
How do I register my business?
Those interested should register their interest before the 8 December 2011 by contacting or phoning 4038 3558.
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