Cockies love the tastes of Macrossan

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Cockies love the tastes of Macrossan

Tourists have been replaced by visitors of the feathered variety as flocks of Red-Tailed Black Cockatoos have discovered the delights of Port Douglas.

The impressive, but rather noisy and destructive, birds have taken a liking to the Beach Almond trees which line Macrossan Street, showering the road and footpath in leaves.

According to Wildlife Habitat's wildlife manager, Clare Anderson, seeing the birds in Port Douglas is an extremely rare event.

"They're a Northern Australian bird found across top of Australia, but they don't normally go to coastal regions. They're common on the other side of the range in Mt Molloy.

"I've been here for 11 years and until this year I've never seen them (in Port Douglas). I've spoken to locals who have been here 20 or 30 years and they've never seen them here. It's really exciting."

Ms Anderson said it is likely that a lack of food sources in their preferred habitat has forced them to seek nourishment elsewhere.

"We've had a fantastic fruiting and flowering season, and Beach almonds are a favourite (for the birds). 

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